
Is Your Neck In Good Shape?

Is Your Neck In Good Shape?

Neck Pain is a common spinal condition suffered by the population of all age group. The origin of pain varies in individuals; each case is unique in their own way. Knowing the root cause of the pain is important, as it guides you to the most relevant approach and...

Could Your Headache Be a Migraine?

Could Your Headache Be a Migraine?

Migraine attack can be extremely annoying and can attack anyone throughout life. While there may be some variations that exist among migraine sufferers, it does includes some general classic signs and symptoms. This article may be a good guide for you to find out is...

Where are we heading in healthcare?

Where are we heading in healthcare?

"Health is wealth". An evident rise in the popularity of natural medicine can be observed in the past few decades both globally and locally here in Singapore. The recognition and availability of alternative and complementary has been growing concurrently in the...

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