“Health is wealth”. An evident rise in the popularity of natural medicine can be observed in the past few decades both globally and locally here in Singapore. The recognition and availability of alternative and complementary has been growing concurrently in the healthcare system due to their importance and benefits to individuals. Together, these translate into a greater accessibility and wider range of treatment options.


It is indisputable that the healthcare burden in many developed westernized country today is chronic non-communicable lifestyle diseases. The statistic clearly shows that despite the advancement in pharmaceutical movement in the healthcare industry, the rate of these lifestyle diseases continue to increase. In Singapore, we are facing this challenge as well. Take diabetes for example, 1 in 3 aged 65 and above had diabetes. Osteoarthritis is another great example, affecting about 40% of adult population.

But, as the name suggests, these are chronic non-communicable lifestyle diseases in which their root cause(s) are closely related to one’s lifestyles that in the long run resulted in negative health consequences. Understanding and being aware of this fact should shift the paradigm of healthcare from a passive care to a more active participation to modify one’s lifestyle in effort to improve their health, eventually.

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