Spinal arthritis With Corrective Chiropractic – Part 1
Introduction Spinal arthritis is getting very common in today's aging population. In fact, it is one of the most common source of musculoskeletal pain to many individuals in Singapore. It is actually not a single disease, but an informal way of referring to joint pain...
Corrective Chiropractic – What does it mean ?
What does corrective chiropractic mean to you? Corrective Chiropractic is a conservative rehabilitative technique specialized in attempt to improve your spinal alignment. It is getting very common for people to experience pain and discomfort. For example, neck pain,...
Spinal Rehabilitation with Corrective Chiropractic
Spinal Rehabilitation with Corrective Chiropractic Spinal rehabilitation program has become more in demand than before. More and more people are in pain due to the overuse of technology gadgets and every day physical stresses. Bio-mechanical joint dysfunction is the...
Slip Disc – Why does it occur?
Slip Disc - Why does it occur? Slip disc is a common conditions that many individuals are suffering from. There are many spinal conditions that can cause you pain. Knowing what structure causes pain is important so that a practitioner can look into it and provide...
Slipped discs – Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
Prolapsed discs (slipped disc) is a general term for disc herniation. It can occur anywhere along the spine although occurrence is much lower in the middle back. When a disc "slipped" it can produce great amount of pain around and distant to the area of injury. Muscle...
Nausea and Vomiting – Migraine Symptoms
Nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms experienced by migraine sufferers during an attack. If you experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhea with your headaches, don't panic. It is known that migraine is the type of headache most likely to make you feel nauseated....
Chiropractic in Singapore – A natural therapy
Chiropractic in Singapore is no longer a new profession. It is getting more popular and accessible to the public, especially true in the past decades. With the sedentary lifestyles that the nation is adopting, people are suffering from different kind of...
Chiropractic Helps with Disc Herniation – A Case Report
Disc Herniation is commonly known as slipped disc. It is a medical condition affecting the spine in which a tear in the outer, fibrous ring of an intervertebral disc. When a disc herniates, it causes the soft, central portion to bulge out beyond the damaged outer...
Corrective Chiropractic (CBP): Improves your spinal alignment to eliminate migraine headaches
Thousands of people in Singapore visit their medical doctors each year hoping for a solution to eliminate their migraine headaches. Improper Spinal Alignment could exacerbate migraine headaches. As a result of these poor postural choices and sedentary lifestyles, we...
Get rid of your pain
Does chiropractor help to reduce joint pain? Most people would have the impression that Chiropractors will only help with the spine. We choose to look after individuals who have concern with their joint pain. Joint mobilization, soft tissue therapy, and passive...
Whiplash Injury from Car Accidents
Whiplash injury is one of the most common injuries resulting from the classic rear-end collision accident. Even though whiplash injury is very common, it remains poorly understood by many. It occurs when the body reacts to a deceleration or acceleration force by...
Magnesium helps with migraine headaches
Magnesium helps migraine? Well, we know how debilitating migraine can be and how it affects millions of people around the world. Understanding that migraine can have multiple triggers is a good start for a well-rounded management. I would like to discuss a little...
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