Slip Disc – Why does it occur?

Slip disc is a common conditions that many individuals are suffering from. There are many spinal conditions that can cause you pain. Knowing what structure causes pain is important so that a practitioner can look into it and provide treatment to that affected structure. The spine is the core structure, around and along the spine are your muscles, ligaments, discs, and nerves.

One common condition that cause many individuals to be in pain is disc injury. Here’s why. Our spine should be straight when viewed from the front or back. The base of the skull should be in line with your sacrum at the bottom. From the side view, the spine must have three distinctive curve. The neck and low back curve is termed lordosis and kyphosis for the mid-back.

When the spine misaligned from the front view or side view, weight distribution to the disc is altered. Because the intervertebral disc (IVD) is not meant to bear on constant weight, it will get compressed and prone to injury. For example, a lumbar spine with a normal lordosis is better in keeping the spine in balance as compared to one the loses the natural curve. Therefore, compression of the disc not only will cause injury to the structure but also potentially affect other surrounding structure.

When compression is severe, the disc “slip” or herniate. Disc herniation can push the disc to the side affecting the nerve root hat branches out from the spinal cord. In bad situation, the disc can also protrude to the back and affect the spinal cord directly. This causes a condition called Central Spinal Canal Stenosis.

Accidents, sports injury, slips and falls are no doubt the aggravating factors to disc injury. However, your core structure – the spine, is what predispose you to a particular conditions and injuries. A misaligned spine with reduce flexibility and abnormal weight distribution are more likely to suffer from pain and injury. Therefore, spinal alignment is extremely important to protect the disc from compression. Also, to avoid disc injury and early Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). Take care of the spine you have and make preventative steps to maintain a healthy spinal alignment.

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