Migraine sufferers all over the world are looking for the best migraine treatment that evidently help to improve their quality of life. Evidence based medical literature is one that evaluates the quality of a clinical research by critically assessing the clinical reports from researchers in their publications and integrating all these with clinical expertise.

Here, I present you the hierarchy of research evidence in the medical literature. This hierarchy helps us to weight how strong or weak a research is in documenting the result outcomes for migraine treatment. There are a few approaches used to rank the research into the hierarchy, and the followingcbp-neck-blog is one of the most widely accepted methods.

  1. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  2. Randomised controlled trials (RCT) with definitive results
  3. Randomised controlled trials with non-definitive results
  4. Cohort studies
  5. Case-control studies
  6. Cross sectional surveys
  7. Case reports

I will be presenting the research on the effectiveness of migraine treatment by Chiropractic from the weakest to the strongest level of evidence throughout the next few posts. So, make sure you continue to follow us with all our upcoming posts.

A case reports study. – Chiropractic as a solution for migraine treatment

A case series of migraine changes following a manipulative therapy trial.
Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1997 Nov;6(3):85-91.Tuchin PJ.

OBJECTIVE: To present the characteristics of four cases of migraine, who were included as participants in a prospective trial on chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraine.

METHOD: Participants in a migraine research trial, were reviewed for the symptoms or clinical features and their response to manual therapy.

RESULTS: The four selected cases of migraine responded dramatically to SMT, with numerous self reported symptoms being either eliminated or substantially reduced. Average frequency of episodes was reduced on average by 90%, duration of each episode by 38%, and use of medication was reduced by 94%. In addition, several associated symptoms were substantially reduced, including nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia.

DISCUSSION: The various cases are presented to assist practitioners making a more informed prognosis.


  • Guyatt GH, Sackett DL, Sinclair JC, Hayward R, Cook DJ, Cook RJ. Users’ guides to the medical literature. IX. A method for grading health care recommendations. JAMA 1995; 274:1800-4.
  • A case series of migraine changes following a manipulative therapy trial. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy. 1997 Nov;6(3):85-91.Tuchin PJ.

For better health,
Dr Chew Wei Lun
D.C., CFMP®, Certified CBP®

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