Is your neck tension annoying you? Have you been wondering what is causing this tension to stay with you day in day out?

Imagine after a cleansing rain storm, instead of a normally shaped rainbow, you are seeing an up-side-down rainbow resting like an immense singing bowl on the Earth, rather than a convex -ing arch above it. You would know that this could never happen and if it does something was seriously wrong. And yet, there is a common misconception and almost a casual acceptance of the reversal of our neck curve being a normal phenomenon. From joint mechanics to neurophysiology, a long list of detrimental effects had been attributed to the loss of cervical lordosis. Neck tension is one example.

Some common causes of loss of cervical curve:

Various types of traumas including macro trauma, such as auto accident/whiplash, sports injuries, and falls. Repetitive or micro-trauma, such as work tasks and poor postural habits; and early development trauma, which includes childhood falls and birth process put the neck in vulnerability to injuries.

Therefore, not only high impact and sudden traumatic forces in the case of falls, injuries and motor vehicle accidents, but also low impact forces like prolonged poor sitting posture in front of the computer or texting on the mobile phone are all capable to harm the neck and cause a reversal curve in it. Of course, other less frequently discussed causes of cervical spine injury. These include, but not limited to the use of forceps and caesarean delivery. Because, these procedures can sometimes put excessive amount of stress to the neck of an infant, injuring the delicate tissues of the newborn.

Regardless of the reason, reversal of the neck curvature is a huge threat to your overall health. Even though many individuals seem to feel painless or just a slight neck tension to begin with. Other signs and symptoms like headache, migraine, dizziness, spinal degeneration, shoulder and neck pain, lack of balancing ability and heart palpitation, can all be related to a loss of cervical lordosis.

If you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, we welcome you to get your spine examined by our (Chiropractic BioPhysics or CBP) certified Chiropractor for early detection and prevention care.

Menticoglou SM; Perlman M; Manning FA; High cervical spinal cord injury in neonates delivered with forceps: report of 15 cases. Obstet Gynecol 1995; 86(4 Pt 1):589-94Best of health,



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