Chiropractic in Singapore

It is getting more common and popular in last decade. With the rise in musculoskeletal problems, the need and demand increases simultaneously. Furthermore, more and more people are avoiding medications, injections and surgery to relieve their pain. Individuals embracing the prevention and wellness paradigm of healthcare are also visiting chiropractic now. The practice of Chiropractic is not uncommon in many countries like Australia, United States, Uk, Japan, Malaysia, and some part of Europe. The effectiveness and safety of the treatment have been validated for the past few decades. This is particularly true in the case of low back pain and neck pain.

Treatment plan vs Package deal

Unfortunately for Chiropractic in Singapore, many Chiropractic clinics carry out chiropractic service in a very business oriented manner. Individuals should know that the reason that they first visit a Chiropractor was to solve a health condition. Therefore, these individuals should be aware and understand the clinical reasoning for any proposed treatment. Evidence-based treatment plan is different compared to package deal. Packages often involve long commitment and is not clinically validated by science for why he/she should visit a chiropractor.

Traditional Chiropractic vs Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP)

Spinal Manipulation or Spinal Adjustment is the commonly used method of treatment by most chiropractors. However, some Chiropractors choose to incorporate soft tissue therapy in their treatment process. Soft tissue therapy can be simple muscle stretching, trigger point therapy, myofascial release technique and more. With these methods of treatment, a chiropractic visit generally takes about 10-20 minutes. Nonetheless, there are many chiropractors who provide “quick” adjustments in less than 5 minutes. So, with these factors,

  • Big packages with invalidated treatment rationale
  • Short, rushy treatment time
  • Long term commitment with expensive cost

no wonder there are some unhappy patients.

Evidence-based Protocol

Here at Essential Chiropractic And Functional Medicine Centre, we strive to practice chiropractic with validated clinical reasoning and no big package and year-long commitment. We look at both subjective and objective clinical findings to propose a treatment plan. With this, both the patient and practitioner will have a common health goal in the treatment process. We typically see a patient for 30-45 minutes using our unique spinal rehabilitation protocol. Spinal manipulation is to increase spinal range of motion and mobility, but is never enough to correct a person’s alignment for long term. It is important to know that our spine is wrapped by broad spinal ligament from bottom to the top. In order to provide long term postural correction, corrective spinal traction is a must. That is what we do differently and successfully here in our practice. Find out more here.

To conclude, we advise individuals considering Chiropractic in Singapore to be more aware and try to be a smart consumer in healthcare,also in any other professions. For those who want to find out more about Structural Spinal Rehabilitation, please do not hesitate to give us a call to know how we can successful help with corrective chiropractic care. We look forward to assist you in achieving great health.

Best wishes for great health!

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