World Heart Day 2019

Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death, claiming 17.9 million lives each year. #WorldHeartDay is celebrated on 29 September this year to raise awareness about it, as much as possible. Consider a heart healthy lifestyle to help guard against cardiovascular disease. Even if you are already an existing stroke or heart patient, you can still prevent or delay your next cardiovascular attack, as well as reduce its severity.

Did you know –

1) The World Heart Foundation celebrates world heart month annually in September.
2) World Heart Day is held on the last Sunday of September every year.
3) World Heart Day is held to promote preventative measures to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
4) In Singapore, cardiovascular disease accounted for about 30% of all deaths, representing one of the leading causes of deaths.
4) Cardiovascular disease in many cases is highly preventable.
5) Cardiovascular disease is a chronic lifestyle disease resulted from poor dietary choices and sedentary lifestyles factors.
6) Cardiovascular disease is also known as the disease of the heart and arteries, not only the heart itself.

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