Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common health concerns in today’s world, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. Although most cases are not due to serious organic causes, yet it is a challenging condition to diagnose, treat, and research. Lower back pain can be very debilitating for individuals with accompanying symptoms like fatigue, weakness, numbness, tingling or sciatica.

These symptoms can either affect one or both legs of the sufferers. In some serious cases, nerves impingement can lead to a condition called Cauda Equina Syndrome. It is a significant narrowing of the lower part of the spinal canal in which the exiting spinal nerves become pinched. As a consequence of this pinched nerve, sensation of pain, weakness, loss of feeling in one or both legs, and bowel or bladder issues are often seen. Fortunately, most lower back pain is mechanical in origin. Spinal misalignment and muscle tension are the common culprits.

List of common conditions that can cause lower back pain

  • Facet Syndrome
  • Myofascial syndrome
  • Facet joint sprain
  • Sacroilitis
  • Intra-articular meniscoid entrapment
  • Spondylosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Canal Stenosis
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Disc Herniation
  • Slipped Disc / Disc Injury
  • Arthritis

Source of Pain

In the case of mechanical lower back pain, there are many possible structures of which the pain can be arise from. Both the articular (joint) or extra-articular (outside the joint) components can initiate the painful sensation in the individual. However, the pain from mechanical low back pain most commonly originated from:

  • surrounding spinal joints,
  • capsular/ligaments,
  • inter-vertebral discs
  • protective muscles spasm.

Low Back Pain with Chiropractic

Effective pain management to address low back conditions is to provide relief to the structures that commonly cause pain to the individuals. These structures often get injured easily or tend to recover slower. As a result, the person can start to experience chronic low back pain if the tissues did not receive proper treatment. Spinal manipulation has been well documented and researched to be able to provide mobilization to those malfunctioning joints. Joints that are restrictive in motion are detrimental to the person as it will affect the person’s functionality. On the other hand, Corrective Spinal Traction is excellent is stretching ligaments and/or joint capsules. As these structure get reformed, the pain experienced usually get reduced significantly. This is when muscles do not need contract as hard and spasm do not occur as frequent. Therefore, this will significant reduce the discomfort and pain of the individual.

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